Template Feature
Create a template to be used when creating new user accounts
Many of our customers asked if we could add a template feature they could use when creating new accounts. That's a great idea, so we did it. Thanks for the suggestion. There are two parts to this feature: (1) configure an account to be a template and (2) use that template when creating your new account(s).
User Tip: Using the word template in your account name, such as Avanti-Template, makes it easier to manage and keep track of your templates.
User Tip: We have created several templates you can use:
  • @Template-Notetakers:  Common phrases for adding notes to transcripts.
  • @Template-Commands:  Shortcuts of commonly used commands.
  • @Template-Admin:  For admins overseeing multiple Streamer™ users.
  • @Template-SpeechGeneration:  For individuals that are non-verbal and that will be using Streamer's speech generation features.
A listing of additional templates including ones for specific situations (students, teachers, medical workers, courtroom, office, etc.) and ones for other languages (Spanish, Bengali, Russian, etc.) can be viewed by going to

Let’s look at the two steps needed when using the Template feature.

1. Configure an Account to be a Template

You can make any of your accounts a template. Simply log into Streamer™ using that account and in the command bar type /maketemplate yes. To undo that setting, type /maketemplate no.

2. Using a Template Account
  1. Log into the account you want to modify. This may be a brand new account you have just created or an existing account you have been using for a while. 
  2. Jump into any room and type /cloneuser [attribute] @user where attribute is the part of the template you want to use and user is the name of the template account. Currently, you can only access a template's list of Phrases, so you need to use phrases as the attribute. We will be adding additional options soon.
Here Are Some Examples of Using the Template Feature
  1. /maketemplate yes.  This makes the account that you are currently using accessible by others as a template.
  2. /cloneuser phrases @Avanti-Template:  This adds all the phrases in the Avanti-Template user account to the account you are currently using.
  3. /cloneuser phrases @Template-Student:  This adds all the phrases in Streamer's student template to the account you are currently using.
  4. /cloneuser phrases @Template-Spanish:  Adds a set of general phrases that are all in the Spanish language.
Additional Notes
  • The /cloneuser phrases @user command does not overwrite phrases that already exist in the account, Instead, it adds all the new phrases from the template to any existing phrases.
  • You can use multiple template accounts to configure your new accounts - perhaps one template with core phrases you want for every account and then other templates for specific situations. If, for example, you have a student that is non-verbal, you can use both the @Template-Student and @Template-SpeechGeneration templates to configure the student's account.
  • Note that we have also created templates for languages other than English
  • If the current account already has a phrase with the same title but different contents, then a number will be automatically placed after the title, such as Phrase (1). This way the user can tell that these are two separate phrases.
  • For more information on how Phrases are used, visit 

If you have any questions visit the support page, and/or contact us by typing @Tech-Support in the Streamer™ text box followed by your question, or send an email to or call +1-507-645-8924. We are always glad to help.

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Thanks for partnering with us in our goal of enabling everyone to speak with anyone, anywhere, anytime and in most any language. 

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